PC5 - SoftStartRV

Almost Done…

So far so good, you might need a SoftStarter.  

Let’s look at your power supply. 

You have 5 choices:

  • A 50-Amp Campground Power Pole

  • A 30-Amp Campground Power Pole

  • Household Power

  • Your Generator/Inverter

  • Solar Power/Batteries

  • A 50-Amp Power Pole is good.

    but they tend to be in short supply.  This may give you the ability to start and run your A/C. Maybe. But then most other appliances would not run during the A/Cs startup.   Adding a SoftStartRV will enable your A/C to start and run.

  • A 30-Amp Power Pole is OK.

    but they tend to be more prolific and available.  However, this would not give you the ability to start and run your A/C. But most other appliances would run. Adding a SoftStartRV will enable your A/C to start and run.

  • Household Power would not start your A/C.

    Some other appliances would run ok. Adding a SoftStartRV will enable your A/C to start and run.

  • Your Generator.

    These come is all sizes and flavors.  The big issue is portability.  Can you store it and travel with it.  That’s a main concern. Hence most RVers use generators with a mix of both portability and efficiency of power. Adding a SoftStartRV will enable your A/C to start and run on a relatively small generator.

  • Solar Power/Batteries.

    These too come in all flavor and sizes. Ideally you’d need 400 watts of panels and 2 x 100 amp hour lithium batteries.  That would give you a couple of hours of run time of your A/C on battery power – but you’d need a SoftStartRV to get your A/C compressor started.

The important question is how big is your generator in terms of power? Does it have less than 3000 watts (27-amps) of power?

  • A rooftop A/C needs 65-amps per A/C unit – that’s 7,150 Watts to start it. 
  • Then it runs at about 13-amps or 1,430 Watts. 
  • Most small generators can handle the running of the A/C, but not the startup of the A/C.

So unless you have a powerful, larger generator you can’t start your A/C – If you are on a 50-amp Campground Power Pole, then you might have a chance…

If you have more than one A/C you definitely need a SoftStart.  It will cut your starting power needs by 70% from 65-amps to just 19 to 20-amps.

So if you still want to pass on our $100 off Offer on a SoftStartRV, that’s ok.   

Come back and visit us anytime as we have Soft Starters for your home (HERE) and a fabulous new SoftStartRV Solar Kit designed by Mike Sokol HERE